Cleisthenes; Boule

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  • Cleisthenes
    • Boule
      • 500 members, 50 from each 10 new tribes.
      • Candidate-male, over 30.
      • Only be a member twice in a lifetime.
      • Prepare agenda for the Assembly,including drafts Probouleumata in form of rcommendations or Q's.
      • Meet all ambassadors and decide if they should be given an audience with the Assembly.
      • Proof that Athenswas not really ruled from he city comes from the fact that its members come across Attica
        • Boule: city 130. Coast 196. Inland 174.
      • They implement all the decisions made by the Assembly, in that they finance and organise; public works, public services, military expeditions and any other major decisions.
  • Boule: city 130. Coast 196. Inland 174.


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