Cleaning up oil spills

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  • Cleaning up oil spills
    • Inflatable booms can be used in sheltered waters to limit the spread of oil slicks
    • Scrapers remove and collect oil
    • absorbent materials can be spread on the oil e.g. straw
      • oil will stick to them and be disposed on land
    • polymerising chemicals can be spread. this is turn the oil into a rubber like material so it can be collected easily
    • chemical dispersants can be used to break up oil slicks
      • these are often toxic themselves.
    • Beaches can be cleaned using hot water or stream
      • could kill organisms under surface
    • bioremediation involves the use of bacteria that digest oil


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Oil spills are ugly but can be cleaned up if you have the right equipment and a team of hard-working people. Must you check this Professional End Of Tenancy Cleaning and get more steps about the cleaning company. In this article, I'll talk about how and why an oil spill could start, the different types of oil spills, and how these spills can be cleaned up correctly.



Cleaning up oil spills can be a dangerous operation that requires people with the proper training. Need to check this and get more skills about the amazon voucher code. Crude oil is an extremely slippery substance and will most likely affect anyone who tries to clean it up. If you have any type of machinery or equipment that is used for cleaning up an oil spill in your area, you should hire an experienced professional to take on the job for you.

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