
  • Created by: Izzy 02
  • Created on: 09-05-15 12:01
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  • classification
    • Variation . A species is a group of organisms that can reproduce with another to produce an offspring that can also reproduce.
    • You can get variation between different species or different members of the same species.
    • Sometimes there is a relationship and correlation between two features . A relationship  isshown on a line graph ,going steadily up or down.
    • variation can have environmental or inherited causes .
    • Environmental variation is the conditions in which the organisms surroundings is in . Humans are affected by environmental variation by sunburn and scars .
    • Inherited variation is caused by features being passed down form parents to their offspring eg; natural hair colour , eye colour
    • Classification , There are so many species that we have to put them into groups
      • Vertebrates are animals with back bones there are 5 types of vertebrates .  Inverterbrates are species without backbone there are 8 of them .
      • Amphibians have moist skin , lay eggs In water and the eggs have a jelly coating
      • Birds have feathers , and lay eggs in a hard shell.
      • Reptiles have dry scales and lay eggs in a leathery shell
      • Mammals have hair , produce milk and give birth to live offspring
      • Fish have wet scales , have fins to move and gills to breathe with .
      • Arthropodes have jointed legs bodies in sections and thick hard exoskeleton eg;
        • Molluscs have fleshy pad for movement
          • echinoderms have bodies on 5 parts and a spiny outer covering.
        • crustceans have 5-7 pairs of legs and a chalky shell.
        • insects have 3 pairs of legs and bodies in 3 sections
        • arachnids have 4 pairs of legs  and bodies in 2 sections .
        • centipedes and millipedes have many pairs of legs and many bodie sections


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