Class Education

  • Created by: sadiemay
  • Created on: 12-03-18 19:25
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  • Class differences in education: External factors
    • Cultural deprivation
      • By the age of three children from disadvantaged backgrounds are already up to one year behind, than those from priviledged backgrounds. This is due to cultural deprivation
      • LANGUAGE: Bereieter and Engelmann claim that the language used in lower class families is deficient. Communicating by gestures, single words or disjointed phrases.
      • PARENTS EDUCATION: Educated parents are more likely to have consistent discipline and high expectations for their children. Contrasting to less educated parents were harsh and inconsistent discipline is done, prevents the child from independence and self control.
        • Nt only do educated parents tend to have higher incomes, but they tend to spend their incomes on ways to benefit their child's educational success. Bernstein and young found that MC parents are more likely to spend money on educational books and activities. Whereas WC parents are more likely to lack these resources
          • Educated parents also have better understanding of nutrition, with a higher income to buy healthy foods.
      • WC SUBCULTURE: The WC have different goals, beliefs and attitudes from the rest of society and is why they fail their children
        • Sugarman: Argues that the WC subculture has 4 key features that act as a barrier to success
          • Fatalism: the belief in fate and that there is nothing you can do to change your status. Collectivism: the value of being apart of a group, more than succeeding as a individual.
            • Immediate gratification is seeking pleasure now rather than making sacrifices in order to get rewards in the future. Present- time orientation is seeing the present as more important than the future
      • EVAULATION: Keddie views CD is a myth and sees it as victim blaming. She argues that rather than seeing the WC culture as deficient, schools should recognise and build on its strengths
      • EVALATION: Critics have also rejected the view that WC parents are not interested in their childs education. They attend fewer parent evenings due to working longer hours not because of lack of interest
      • Bernstein: restricted code is spoke by the WC and Is often limited vocab and simple sentences. It is descriptive not analytic.
      • The elaborated code is spoke by MC and has a wider vocab and complex sentences. Speech is more varied and communicates abstract ideas
      • Unlike most cultural deprivation theorists Bernstein recognises that it is not just the home, but also schools that influence a childs achievement. As schools fail to teach them how to use the elaborated code
    • Material deprivation
      • Material deprivation refers to poverty and a lack of material necessities such as adequate housing and income.
      • HOUSING: Overcrowding makes less room for educational activities, nowhere to do homework and disturbed sleep from sharing bedrooms.
        • It can also have indirect effects on the child's health, for example in crowed housing there's more room for accidents, in cold housing can cause illness these health problems lead to absences from school
      • Diet and health: Howard notes that people in low income housing have lower intakes of vitamins and minerals. Poor nutrition effects health and may result in absences from school or difficulties focusing in class
      • FINANCIAL SUPPPORT: Lack of financial support means that children from poorer families have n equipment and miss out on experiences to help their education.
        • As a result poor children may have to do with hand me downs and cheaper but unfashionable equipment. this may result in being isolated or bullied by peers
          • Due to the lack of financial support they may have to get a job. Ridge found that children in low income families often got jobs such as baby sitting and paper rounds which had negative impacts on their school work.
      • FEAR OF DEBT : Going to university often unolves getting into debt to cover the costs of tuition fees, books and living expences. This puts off WC students from wanting to go into further education. They see more costs than benefits of going to university.
        • WC students are more likely to apply to local unis so hey can commute, to save on travel costs, but this gives them less opportunity to go to the higher status unis.
          • They  were also more likely to get a part time job to fund their studies, making it much more harder for them to gain higher class degrees
      • EVAULATION: while material factors play a role, the fact the some WC student do succeed suggests that MD is only part of the explanation
        • For example, the cultural, religious or political views of the family may play a part in creating and sustaining the childs motivation despite poverty.
        • Nevertheless Mortimore and Whitty argue that the material inequilitys have the biggest impact of chilrens achievemt
          • Robinson argues that tackling child poverty would be the best way to boost achievement
    • Cultural capital
      • Bourdieu argues that both cultural and material factors contribute to educational achievement. He uses the concept of capital to explain why the MC are more successful
      • The MC childrewith cultural capital are better equipped to meet the demands of the school curriculum and gain qualifications.
        • MC parents can afford to take there children to private schooling and pay for extra tution, or be able to afford to live in the catch area of the school who is placed highly on the league tables


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