Circulatory System - The Heart

  • Created by: hxhh
  • Created on: 18-04-22 15:12
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  • Circulatory System : Heart
    • Circulates food and oxygen molecules around the body
    • Steps of the circulatory system
      • 1. Blood enters the atria via the pulmonary vein and the vena cava
      • 2. The atria contract, pushing the blood into the ventricles.
      • 3. The heart valves close to stop the blood flowing backwards
      • 4. The ventricles contract, forcing the blood out of the heart through the aorta and pulmonary artery
      • 5. The blood flows to the organs via the arteries and comes back to the heart via the veins
      • 6. The atria fills and the cycle repeats again
    • Helping the Heart
      • Statins -  Drugs that lower your cholesterol levels. Block a substance your body needs to make cholesterol.
        • Pros - may remove other diseases, low cholesterol, protects against heart attacks, reduces risk of strokes
        • Cons - Effect is not instant, can cause build-up of plaque, must be taken regularly, causes negative side-effects
      • CHD - Coronary Heart Disease ; When the coronary artery, which supplies the heart with oxygenated blood, becomes narrow due to cholesterol build-up (plaque)
      • CHD can cause pain, myocardial infarction (heart attack) or death
      • Stents - tubes that are inserted into arteries to widen them and keep them open, to make sure blood can pass through
        • Pros - low risk of heart attack, effective for a long time, recovery time is quick
        • Cons - risk of complications during operation, risk of infection from surgery, risk of thrombosis
      • Heart Transplants - Heart from a recently deceased person replaces the patient's heart
        • Pros - Improves quality of life, can be lifesaving
        • Cons - expensive operation and aftercare, few donors are available, recovery time is long, risk of rejection


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