Churchill's view on Britain's position in the world and with the Big 3

  • Created by: hastr010
  • Created on: 15-05-18 12:49
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  • Churchill's View on Britain's position in the world?
    • Imperialism
      • despite Atlantic Charter (promising Britain would not make Territorial gains from the war, Britain had no aim of giving up the empire.
      • America pushed for disbanding of Empire
      • USA persuaded to prioritise Germany so Britain was able to Put Mediterranean first and prioritise the empire
    • Super power
      • Russia had given up more than Britain in the war meaning that they were less of a super-power
      • Dependant on Usa due to lend lease agreement of 1941
    • Roosevelt
      • Churchill believed USA would join the war like they had in 1919 however it wasn't until Japan invaded Pearl Harbour in 1941 and Germany declared war on USA that they did
      • Unable get permission from Congress to join the war
      • Lend lease agreement - 1941 - supplied supplies to Britain but ended when Britain went bankrupt
        • Britain became dependant on Usa
      • Didn't like how imperialist Churchill was
        • Imperialism
          • despite Atlantic Charter (promising Britain would not make Territorial gains from the war, Britain had no aim of giving up the empire.
          • America pushed for disbanding of Empire
          • USA persuaded to prioritise Germany so Britain was able to Put Mediterranean first and prioritise the empire
      • Atlantic Charter - Atlantic Conference - 1941. showing distaste towards the British Empire and Free trade within it
      • Tehran Conference 1943 - Stalin wouldn't allow Brooke to lead D-Day fights and instead chose Eisenhower
      • Quebec 1944 - Churchill tried to get Roosevelt to resume the Lend Lease agreement but he refused
      • Yalta 1945- Churchill had to agree to Stalin's buffer zone plan. Roosevelt did little to help stop the spread of communism in Eastern Europe
      • Pressure for Britain to fight in D-Day caused a strain on the USA relationship
    • Stalin
      • Had a good personal relationship
        • Bonded over mutual Imperialism and Love of drink
      • very Anti-Communism
      • Britain feared the expanding of Communism in Eastern Europe - Headed by Russia
      • Stalin was lesser of two evils compared to Hitler
    • De Gaulle
      • Churchill devastated after French surrendered at Dunkirk
      • Hitler dominated N.France and turned it into a pro-Nazi state known as Vichy France
      • French saw Dunkirk retreat as a betrayal
      • Charles De-Gaull lead Free french - French exiles in Britain
      • Churchill admired him but found it difficult to work with him
      • Roosevelt and Churchill did not accept his self-proclaimed title of natural born leader of France
      • disliked by Americans, uncooperative and uncompromising


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