Christian mind map

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  • Christianity
    • nature of God
      • God is Omnipotent-All powerfull
      • God is omniscient- All knowing
      • God is omnipresent- everywhere
      • Then God said 'let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground'.
      • God is one creator who self- reveals to humanity beyond understanding
    • nature of human beings
      • God seeks a loving relationship with humans by making them RELATIONAL RATIONAL and able to exercise FREE WILL
      • Genesis 1:27 has importance in the christian understanding of the human condition- we live and we die
      • Human beings form relationships (Karl Barth)- decision making, consciousnes
      • steward- person who administers another's property (janitors) (general well-being of others)
      • Genesis 3- The Fall. The fruit represents temptation and the serpent represents the Devil.
      • 'By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return'. This is how sin and death entered the world.
      • consequences of the fall: Alienation from God and alienation from each other.
      • power of original sin: Sin as disease, Sin as power and Sin as guilt.  (think about social and political structures being addressed)
      • Sin has estranged humanity from god but Jesus' actions for salvation meant that humanity and god could be atonement again. atonement is significant as it helps Christians overcome evil.
    • beliefs about Jesus
      • The savior: Jesus means God saves in Hebrew. The death and resurrection of Jesus are the key moments in the christian story of salvation.
      • The resurrection of Jesus as a sign of Gods promise of resurrection for believers shows this as a key, unique aspect of Christianity as it gives hope.
      • resurrection linking back to section one(human condition): Jesus conquers the human condition that was causes by Adam's disobedience.
      • Christs resurrection ensures that sin, suffering, evil and death caused by the fall will be defeated, there will be an eternal life with God through Christ, Christians will also be raised and Christ can help Christians in the present through the holy spirit.
      • resurrection is a significant event known as Easter Sunday
      • Christianity links idea of judgment specifically with the person of Jesus. He is the Messiah or Christ who brings the start of the kingdom of God on earth.
      • why is the cross significant? Jesus suffers in place of humanity, sacrifice restores Gods reputation that was threatened by sin and Gods acceptance of Jesus' death as repayment of humanity
    • judgement and heaven
      • Christianity is a religion of salvation. Salvation means state of being saved.
      • Faithfulness and salvation can be seen in the bible when God rescues humans from danger i.e Noah.
      • In the new testament salvation involves being set free of sin and restoring humanity and creation of God.
      • KEY QUOTE 'For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life'
      • Augustine was a christian thinker who established Christianity. his opinion was that god loves humanity and acts to save it and saw salvation as grace( a gift)
      • when you get a question on judgment you should talk about the sheep and the goat- helping other = helping yourself
      • Humans being judged for actions after death: Actions on earth and need to show they are a good christian by HELPING, FAITH and COMMUNION
      • Liberation theology: Hans Kung stated that eternal life should view the world from a God-like perspective, promoting peace, freedom and justice
      • Christians have a duty to promote heaven on earth and christians do this and worship because of their fear of hell
      • Salvation is from God and accomplished by Christ. Jesus offers the opportunity of new life to all those believing in him and following his teachings
      • soteriology(to save)- essence of christianity (Jesus's suffering)    Fall-Suffering-      Salvation-   New life
      • salvation in Jesus: christian salvation depends on Jesus's humanity and divinity and though Jesus death will not separate the Christians from divine love. has massive impact on eternal life/ heaven
      • who will be        saved?          -Everyone (universal salvation)       -only believers (faith is required- Augustine)       -only those who elected or predestined to be saved
      • atonement- reparation for a wrong or injury. Talk about it when you get a question on jesuses death or being christian.
      • nature of salvation: redemption of deification(becoming god     like)               political liberation i.e liberation theologians
      • we have also seen that social action within the world will have consequences at the last judgment. divide between African churches and western churches
    • living according to the gospels
      • The teachings of Jesus: Luke 10(the good Samaritan) Jesus makes the supposed villain a merciful one as an example that the priest and the Levitt back out of being of being a good Christian where as the Jew helped. This encourages Christians to be socially mindful
      • The parable The sheep and goats has the message that every time we help someone in need we are helping Jesus and for this we get eternal life. This is linked to the kingdom of god and judgement
      • The sermon on the mount (religious lecture) most significant of Jesus speeches. Revolutionary as mirror of society
      • Christianity social action: Gee Walker, son of Anthony Walker shows forgiveness when her son is racially murdered. 'why live a life a life sentence? Hate killed my son, so why should i be a victim too?'
      • what christian see at the end of time: Jesus will return as king of time, All people will have to stand and be judge, They will be divide into righteous and unrighteous, the righteous will get eternal life, the unrighteous will be sent to hell.
      • Follower of Crisis as the beginning of eternal life: The gospels state that whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life. Also the gospels state that no one goes through the father except through Jesus. Christ actions in the world shows that all Christians have a duty to treat everyone with love and respect.
    • individual and community worship
      • prayer is a central means of communication between humanity and God
      • intercessionary prayer is when you pray for other people
      • Display of prayer item: rosemary beads, crosses, candles, music.The significance of the cross shows suffering of Christ and the sacrifice he made.
      • The role of community worship have different forms i.e chanting have the same purpose- worship and praise of God.
      • worship: feelings of great admiration or devotion.
      • Christian community and building the kingdom of god: kingdom has become the great symbol of divine- human community (good Samaritan). The church should be like the kingdom of god on earth
      • the mission of community of faith is to the kingdom of god on earth. the community of believers is a sign of gods presence in the world( church and people need to work together)
      • Christianity community: community of believers through their ethical life, mission and actions, build the kingdom of god on earth. They should be sure in the hope of the resurrection of Christ that they as a community are a foretaste of gods kingdom on earth. Christians need to challenge injustice and be mindful
      • Range of sacraments (visible form of invisible grace): Babtism ,confirmation, eucharist, penance(confession), anointing of the sick, holy orders, matrimony
      • purpose of sacraments: sacraments give grace, sacraments help faith, sacraments, develops fellowship (communal), remind Christians of Gods promise
      • Baptism: water on the forehead. the water washes away their old self and as they rise from the water they are in effect raised as new people, or born again. Death of old self and born again. Symbolic death
      • you have to have faith in salvation and baptism
      • Eucharist- all about giving thanks. known as the holy communion and links to intense sharing (fellowship)
      • Christian understanding of the Eucharist: Christians remember the promise of God through Jesus' life, death and resurrection
      • the purpose of Eucharist: remembering Jesus sacrifice, giving thanks, fellowship
      • christian action: a good deed was done to the least in the world, it was done to him (sheep and goat)
      • there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for all are one in Christ Jesus' use when talking about jesus
      • essential purpose of christian aid: to expose the scandal of poverty, to challenge and change structures and systems that favor the rich and powerful over the poor and marginalized.
      • the idea of the kingdom of god as an ideal society, characterized by equality, justice and truth has been gaining prominence. the kingdom of god has been used as the basis for programmes of social renewal
      • Worship in the Bible: In the Bible it is clear that christian worship is about fellowship. The bread and wine- last supper. remembering Jesus sacrifice.


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