Christian healing

  • Created by: aggy98
  • Created on: 18-05-14 15:12
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  • Christian healing
    • Many christians struggle to cope with the idea that we have to suffer, as it can cause anger and despair. Even prophets questioned why at stages, like in Jeremiah 15:18,  “Why is my pain unending and my wound grievous and incurable?”   The reason christians question this is because if God is all powerful as it says in the bible, then why does he let this happen to people?
      • One way of trying to understand this to to trust that God has set out a purpose for each of us in our lives- a path we should follow, and- whilst it may seem unfair- that suffering will help the person fulfill their purpose.
      • The important thing is that we look after those who are sick and suffering, just as Jesus did. Cardinal Basil Hume says :  “The sick and the handicapped have a place in God’s plan. We are often baffled by the suffering that so many sick and handicapped must endure, and especially occurs in our own family. We have to trust in God’s great love and in his goodness, and never give up doing so.”
        • Pope John paul says:  “Do not neglect the sick and elderly. Do not turn away from the handicapped and the dying. Do not push them to the margins of society. For if you do, you fail to understand an important truth.” 
      • The ways in which the church shows concern for the sick include:  1.Visiting the sick.   2.Bringing people comfort through the sacrament of the Eucharist.   3.Praying and asking God to take care of them, especially in the hour of their death  
    • Anointing of the sick
      • Example- “Is anyone of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up."     
      • The sacrament is for: the seriously ill, people facing surgery, elderly people,    those who are sick and have lost consciousness.
      • Main Stages of the sacrament
        • 1. sprinkling of holy water. To cleanse the area and remind us of our baptism.
        • 2. Confession- this allows the person to offload any guilt they may feel
        • 3. Liturgy of the word- readings focus on Jesus healing power.
        • Litany of the saints, Laying on of hands
          • laying on of hands symbolises the touch of heling and the giving of the strength of the holy spirit, who gives the person the power to face death.
        • Anointing with Oil, followed by a prayer
          • Symbolises God's blessing and healing and comforts the person.
        • Viaticum0 the eucharist
          • Brings the person closer to God and offers strength and healing power of Christ. Viaticum, if the person is near death, means Food for the journey.
      • This  sacrament offers strength and healing and allows the forgiveness of sins which enables a person to no longer fear death.
    • Death rites
      • 1.Vigil, 2.At the church, 3. At the graveside.
        • Friends and family keep watch over the body and pray.
      • At the church: 1. The coffin is placed before the altar. 2. Welcome. 3.Holy water sprinkled on coffin. 4. Mass- readings reflect life after death beliefs. 5. Prayers then priest asks the the person's sins can be forgiven. 6. Short talk about dead person. 7. Eucharist
      • At the graveside: coffin sprinkled with holy water again and commital prayer asking for God's mercy.
    • Abortion
      • Abortion was legalised in the UK in 1967 and before then there were as many as 200,000 backstreet (illegal) abortions,
      • Reasons why women have abortions include: the baby being a result of ****, the baby being a threat to the mother's life and the mother being unable to care for the child as well as the child will most likely be born with a disability.
      • Arguments for include: 1. a women has a right to choose what to do with her own body. 2. It is merciful to kill a disabled child who will not have as high a quality of life( blessed are the merciful. 3. The mother may miss out on education and other opportunities herself- does god want us to let one person not have the opportunites they are entitled to as a human being, just sop another can be born.
      • Arguments against include: 1. It goes directly against the commandment " Do not kill". 2. God is the only one who can give and take life. 3. God has a plan for all of us even before we are born- jeremiah quote- Before I formed you in the womb I kbnew you, before you were born I set you apart.
    • Contraception
      • The church teaches that love making has two purposes: 1. uniting a couple and 2. the chance of creating new life. As contraception prevents this, they do not support it
      • Marriage is life giving- one of the six principles opf marriage and if a married couple use contraception they are not exercising this principle.
      • Contraception could result in the murder/abortion of an unborn child in the case of emergency contraception. This goes against the commandment "Do not kill"
      • The church does support natural contraception, as they believe it is given by God to help a couple plan their family. Some christians also believe that in the case where one of the couple has an illness like aids, contraception should be considered to prevent harm to the other person or the unborn child.
    • IVF
      • Arguments for include: infertility causes depression as it is illness and should recieve treatment. 2. All couples should have the right to try and have children. 3. Beatttitude- blessed are the merciful.
      • Arguments against include: 1. It can result in the destruction of human life as 'extra' embryos are frozen and usually destroyed- goes against commandment Do not kill. 2. Challeneges exclusiveness of marriage- one of the six principles- as others become involved. 3. It separates the creation of new life from sex- and the church teaches that these two purposes should not be seperated.
    • Euthanasia
      • Argum,ents for: 1. Blessed are the merciful- you are ridding this person of suffering. 2. Loving your neighbour as yourself- the greatest commandment- some christians believe this act is loving.3. Cheaper than long term hospital care. 4. Stops the family suffering.
      • 3 types: Voluntary, non- voluntary and in-voluntary.


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