Chemistry of the Atmosphere

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  • Chemistry of the Atmosphere
    • Evolution of the Atmosphere
      • Phase 1-Volcanoes gave out gases.
        • Early atmosphere was mostly Carbon Dioxide and no oxygen.
        • The surface was covered in Volcanoes that erupted and released lots of gases.
        • Volcanic activity released Nitrogen, Water vapour and small amounts of methane and ammonia.
      • Phase 2- Removing Carbon Dioxide
        • The Water Vapour condensed, forming the oceans. Carbon Dioxide was removed as it dissolved in the oceans.
        • Plants and algae evolved and absorbed Carbon Dioxide to carry out photosynthesis.
      • Phase 3- Producing Oxygen
        • Plants and algae produce oxygen by photosynthesis.
        • As oxygen levels built up, more complex life could evolve.
        • The composition of the atmosphere today- 80% nitrogen, 20% Oxygen and small amounts of carbon dioxide, water vapour and noble gases.
    • Greenhouse Gases
      • Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Water Vapour are the main greenhouse gases.
      • They act like an insulating layer around the Earth allowing it to stay warm.
      • Absorb the long wavelength radiation and reflect it back to earth.
        • Thermal Radiation- results in the warming of the Earths surface.
    • Air Pollution
      • Fossil Fuels contain hydrocarbons and during combustion they are oxidised. Releasing carbon dioxide and water vapour into the atmosphere.
      • When there's enough oxygen, all the fuel burns(complete combustion).
      • When theres not enough oxygen not all the fuel burns(incomplete combustion). Under these conditions, particulates and carbon monoxide are released.
      • Acid Rain- When dilute sulphuric acid or dilute nitric acid mix with clouds.
        • Sulphur dioxide- released during the combustion of fossil fuels that contain sulphur impurities.
        • Nitrogen oxides- created from a reaction between nitrogen and oxygen caused by heat of burning.
  • Phase 1-Volcanoes gave out gases.
    • Early atmosphere was mostly Carbon Dioxide and no oxygen.
    • The surface was covered in Volcanoes that erupted and released lots of gases.
    • Volcanic activity released Nitrogen, Water vapour and small amounts of methane and ammonia.


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