
  • Created by: Ciera
  • Created on: 17-03-13 16:17
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  • Chemical Bonding
    • Elements react together to form compounds by sharing/gaining electrons (covalent bonding) or transferring/loosing  electrons (ionic bonding)
    • Losing electrons to form positive ions
      • In ionic bonding, the atoms lose or gain electrons to form charged particles called ions. If the atom loses an electron in order to achieve a stable structure, it becomes a positive ion, and has a positive charge.
        • Gaining electrons to form negative ions.
          • If the atom gains an electron in order to achieve a stable structure, the atom becomes a negative ion and therefore has a negative charge.
    • Representing ionic bonding
      • Metal atoms which need to lose electrons react with non-metal atoms which need to gain electrons. The metal and non metal can react together in order for both to achieve a stable structure- this electrostatic attraction between them is called ionic bonding.


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