characteristics of schizophrenia

  • Created by: Abi Crew
  • Created on: 16-11-21 13:31
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  • characteristics of schizophrenia
    • 1. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterised by abnormal thought patterns and behaviour that is thought to be caused by an excess of dopamine activity in the brain.
    • 2. Symptoms of schizophrenia are placed into categories, the first being positive symptoms
      • positive - Positive symptoms are exaggerated or excessive versions of ‘normal’ behaviour or even behaviour with no ‘normal’ point of comparison. An example of the former would be delusions. This is when an individual displays concrete but objectively false beliefs concerning themselves, others or the world around them. These can include delusions of grandeur (they think they are famous or superior), delusions of persecution (they believe they are being harassed or targeted) among many others.
        • Another example of a positive symptom is hallucinations. These are sensations experienced by an individual that do not exist. Hallucinations have the full force of a ‘normal’ of actually-existing experience and are usually visual and/or auditory. For example, hearing voices that command them to do certain things.
      • negative -  Negative symptoms are another category of schizophrenic characteristics and are a lack of or removal of ‘normal’ behaviour. An example of a negative symptom is alogia. This is the presence of poor speech quality such as out of place bluntness or flat affect.
        • Another negative symptom is avolition, which is a lack of motivation or interest in usual activities such as difficulty in beginning and sustaining activities that would normally be second nature eg. playing a game or watching a movie.
    • 3. cognitive symptoms
      • Cognitive symptoms are closely linked to negative symptoms and subtle effects on memory, learning and understanding. For example, unusual difficulty in comprehending simple instructions or remembering very recent events.


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