Chapter 2.1 Slides, photo -micrographs and measuring

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  • Chapter 2.1 Slides, photo -micrographs and measuring
    • Observing unstained specimens: Some microscopes use light interference, rather than light absorption to produce a clear image without staining .
      • Some use a dark background against an illuminated specimen so it shows up.
    • Staining specimens: Stains are coloured chemicals that bind to molecules on or on the specimen, making the specimen easy to see Methylene blue is an all-purpose stain.
    • Observing prepared specimens: Experts in a labatory by: Dehydrating the specimens or embedding them in wax to prevent distortion during slicing.
    • How to work out calculations involving magnification: Convert mm to um by multiplying by 1000 -divide the figure by the magnification.
      • Formula: M=I/A or A=I/M or I=AxM  A=actual size I=image size on micrograph M=magnification.
    • Using graticules: A graticule is a transparent with a ruler which is fitted onto a microscope -the scale represents different lengths at different magnifications
      • A stage graticule is used to calibrate the graticule. it is 1mm long and divided into 100 division


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