Core: Cells and Microscopy

  • Created by: jross10
  • Created on: 30-03-15 12:17
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  • Cells and Microscopy
    • Plant and Animal cells - similarities and differences.
      • 4 things they have in common: nucleus; cell membrane; cytoplasm; mitochondria (where most reactions for respiration take place)
      • 3 extra things Plant cells have: rigid cell walls; large vacuole; chloroplasts
    • Bacterial cells have no nucleus
      • Bacterial cells are a lot smaller than plant or animal cell
      • chromosomal DNA (long circular chromosome):controls the cells activities and replication; it floats in the cytoplasm
      • cell is supported by a cell wall
      • plasmids (small loops of extra DNA that aren't part of the chromosome):contain genes for things like drug resistance and can be passed between bacteria
      • flagellum (plural flagella): is a long, hair like structure rotates to make bacterium move
    • Cells are studied using microscopes
      • microscopes let u see things we cant see with he naked eye
      • light microscopes invented in 1590's: let us see things like nuclei; chloroplasts; mitochondria
      • electron microscopes invented in 1930's: let us see much small things in more detail like internal structures
      • magnification = length of image/length of specimen




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