Cells b1 edexcel

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  • Cells
    • Cells can be either prokaryotic or eukaryotic
      • Prokaryotic cells are smaller and simpler and do not have a nucleus eg.bacteria
        • Chromosomal dna- one long circular chromosome which controls the cells activities (not in a nucleus)
        • Ribosomes
        • Plasmid DNA-small loops of extra DNA that aren't part of the chromosome, contains genes for drug resistance
        • Flagellum to make the bacterium move, move bacteria away from harmful toxins
      • Eukaryotic cells are complex and include all animal and plant cells and do have a nucleus
        • Animal cells have a nucleus-contains genetic material and controls the activities of the cell. They also have a cytoplasm-where most of the chemical reactions occur
          • Cell membrane-holds the cell together and controls what goes in and out
          • Mitochondria-powerhouse of the cell, where respiration takes place
          • Ribosomes-needed for protein synthesis
        • Plant cells have all the structures that animal cells have but also extra.
          • Cell wall-made of cell ulose, supports and strengthens the cell
          • Large vacuole- contains cell sap and supports the cell
          • Chloroplast-where photosynthesis occurs and contains a pigment chlorophyll


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