cell structure and transport

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  • cell structure and transport
    • diffusion
      • Diffusion is the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
      • Diffusion happens in liquids and gases because their particles move randomly from place to place.
    • osmosis
      • Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules, from a region where the water molecules are in higher concentration
      • o a region where they are in lower concentration, through a partially permeable membrane.
    • prokaryotes and eukaryotes cells
      • Cells of bacteria are called prokaryotic cells.
        • Cell membrane - surrounded by cell wall
        • Cytoplasm, ribosomes, no mitochondria or chloroplasts
      • Cells of animals, plants and fungi are called eukaryotic cells.
        • Cell membrane - surrounded by cell wall in plants and fungi
        • Cytoplasm, cell organelles include mitochondria, chloroplasts in plants and ribosomes
    • animal and plant cells
      • Cytoplasm-A jelly-like material that contains dissolved nutrients and salts and structures called organelles.
      • Nucleus-Contains genetic material, including DNA, which controls the cell’s activities
      • Mitochondria-Organelles that contain the enzymes for respiration, and where most energy is released in respiration.
      • Ribosomes-A tiny organelle where protein synthesis occurs.
    • active transport
      • Active transport is the movement of dissolved molecules into or out of a cell through the cell membrane, from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration.
        • The particles move against the concentration gradient, using energy released during respiration.
      • Examples of active: transport include: uptake of glucose by epithelial cells in the villi of the small intestine
        • uptake of ions from soil water by root hair cells in plants
    • cells and microscopes
      • light microscopes are used to study living cells and for regular use when relatively low magnification and resolution is enough
      • Magnification of the microscope = magnification of eyepiece × magnification of objective
      • If the magnification of an eyepiece is ×10 and the objective is ×40, what is the magnification of the microscope?
        • answer×400. Because 10 × 40 = 400.
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