Cell Biology

  • Created by: Jmsmcn
  • Created on: 14-09-17 15:20
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  • Cell Biology
    • Active transport
      • This is when molecules move from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration
        • E.g. in root hair cells there are more minerals in the cell than outside but they move inwards
        • It happens in humans in the kidneys and when we take in glucose from the gut
      • It uses energy to do this
      • We need active transport to survive
        • If there is a lower concentration of nutrients in the gut nothing will be absorbed
          • Active transport is used so that the minerals can be taken around the body via blood.
    • Chromosomes and Mitosis
      • Nucleus contains genetic information in chromosomes
      • Chromosomes are coiled up DNA
      • They contain genes which determine characteristics (hair colour)
      • Two copies of each chromosome (one from father one from mother)
      • 23 pairs
      • The cell cycle: how organisms produce new cells
        • The part where the cell divides is called mitosis
        • Used to grow or replace cells
        • End up with 2 identical cells
        • The cell duplicated the DNA making X shaped chromosomes
          • Each arm of the X is identical
          • The chromosome arms are pulled apart and go to opposite ends
            • membrans form around the chromosmes forming nuclei
              • then the cytoplasm and cell membranes divide
    • Osmosis
      • Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of higher water concentration to a region of lower water concentration
      • A partially permeable membrane is a membrane with very small holes that only tiny molecules can fit through
      • Water moves both ways (as it moves randomly)
        • But there is a net flow from one side to the other because there are more water molecules on one side
      • This has the effect of diluting a solution
    • Cell Differentiation and Specialisation
      • differentiation is when a cell change to be specialized
        • They develop different subcellular structures
      • Most differntiation occurs when organisms devlop
        • Most animal cells cannot change again when the have differentiated
          • Cells that differentiate in mature animals are mainly used to repair and replace cells
        • a lot of plant cells can change lots of time
        • un-differentiated cells are called stem cells
      • Sperm cells are specialized for reproduction
        • Has a long tail and a streamlined head to help it swim
        • Lots of mitochondria for energy
        • Has enzymes to digest the egg cell membrane
        • Only has 23 chromosomes
      • Nerve cells ae specilised for signalling
        • Long to cover distance
        • Branched connections at end to form a network
      • Muscle cells  are specialized for contraction
        • Long so they have space to contract
        • Lots of mitochondria for energy
      • Root hair cells are specialized for absorbing water
        • Large surface area to absorb water
      • Phloem and Xylem cells are specialized for transport
        • Cells are long so they can cover distances
    • Exchange Surfaces
      • Organisms absorb things they need from the environment and they put waste products into the environment via exchange surfaces
        • Oxygen and carbon dioxide are transferred in gas exchange
        • Urea diffuses from cells into the blood for removal via urine
      • How easy it is for an organism to exchange substance depends in the surface area to volume ratio
        • Do do this you find the surface area and the volume in the same unit (e.g. cm squared and cm cubed) and simplify it down or put it as a decimal
      • Multi-cellular organisms need efficient exchange surfaces.
        • This is because they have quite low surface area to volume ratios
        • They have adapted to have: a thin membrane, large surface area, lots of blood vessels, they are well ventilated (for gas exchange)
        • In single celled organisms substance diffuse straight into where they are needed so they do not need to adapt as much
    • Binary Fission
      • This is how prokaryotic cells split in two
        • DNA strand and plasmids replicate
          • The cell gets bigger and the DNA strands move apart
            • The cytoplasm begins to divide and cell walls form
              • The cytoplasm divides and two cells are produced, each cell has one strand of DNA and a variable number of plasmids
      • Bacteria can divide very quickly in the right enviroment
      • E.Coli takes as little as 20 mintues
      • But in bad conditions the bacteria will not replicate and will begin to die
    • Diffusion
      • Diffusion is the spreading out of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
        • Diffusion happens in both solution and gases because the particles are able to move around
        • The large the difference in concentration and the higher the temperature the faster the rate of diffusion is
      • Cell membranes allow certain things to move in and out of the cell
        • Only very samll things can difuse though it
          • Oxygen, glucose, amino acids, and water
        • Big molecules cannot fit though the membrane
      • The molecules go from where there is lots to where there is not much
        • Cell membranes allow certain things to move in and out of the cell
          • Only very samll things can difuse though it
            • Oxygen, glucose, amino acids, and water
          • Big molecules cannot fit though the membrane
        • The larger the surface area of the cell the faster the diffusion rate (more particles can fit through)
    • Microscopy
      • Light microscopes use light and lenses to magnify the specimen
        • Can see subcellular structures such as nuclei
      • Electron microscopes use electrons to form an image
        • Can see the internal structure of mitochondria and chloroplasts
        • Has a higher resolution and magnification
          • Resolution is the ability to distinguish between two points
      • Magnification = image size/real size
    • Exchanging Substances
      • Gas exchange happens in the lungs
        • The lungs contain millions of alveoli where gas exchange takes place
          • The alveoli are specialized to maximise exchange surfaces: large surface area, moist lining, very thin wall, a good blood supply (thin walls around the blood supply)
      • The small intestines absorb nutrients
        • They are covered in villi - these are tiny projections lining the gut
          • They increase the surface area - speeding up the time taken for nutrients to be absorbed
            • They have a single layer of surface cells, and a very good blood supply
      • The structure of leaves maximises gas diffusion
        • Carbon dioxide diffuses into the leaves air spaces and then into the cells
          • The air spaces maximise the surface area of the cells themselves
        • The gases diffuse in and put of the stomata
          • The guard cells control the size of the stoma
            • If there is not much water it closes to stop water being released.
        • The flattened shape of the leaf increases the surface area
      • Gills have a large surface area for gas exchange
        • Oxygen diffuses from the water (and carbon dioxide to it) into the blood as the water is passed out through the gills
        • Each gill is made of lots of plates called gill filaments - this increases the surface area
          • The gill filaments are covered in even smaller lamellae
            • the lamellea have lots of blood capillaries and a thin layer of cells
              • The blood flows in the opposite direction to the water keeping the concentration gradient high
                • There is always a higher concentration of oxygen in the water
    • Stem Cells
      • Embryonic stem cells can turn into any type of cell
        • Stem cells are un-differentiated
      • They are found in early human embroys
      • Adults have stem cells but only in certain places
        • Bone Marrow
        • Thye can only turn into ceratin cells (auch as red bllod cells)
      • Can be used in medicine to replace faulty cells
        • An embryo could be made by cloning so the stem cells have the same genes
          • This means the cells won't be rejected
          • However this is controversial as some feel  human embryos have rights
          • Some people say saving lives is more important
            • However this is controversial as some feel  human embryos have rights
            • Often embryos used are wasted from fertility clinics
      • Stem cells can prouce identical plants
        • Stem cells are found in the part where growth occurs
          • They can be used to produce clones
            • The clones can have desirable features for farmers
            • the clones can be used to stop species going extinct
    • Cells
      • All living things are made of cells
      • Cells can be Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic
        • Eukaryotic are complex and include animal and plant cells
          • Animal cells have a nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, mitochondria, and ribosomes
            • Nucleus: contains genetic material, controls the cell
            • Cytoplasm: where chemical reactions happen, contains enzymes
            • Cell membrane: holds the cell together, controls what goes in and out
            • Mitochondria: where respiration happens
            • Where proteins are made
          • Plant cells have animals subcellular structures and a cell wall, permanent vacuole, and chloroplasts
            • Cell wall: supports and strengthens the cell
            • Permanent vacuole: contains cell sap
            • Chloroplasts: where photo-synthesis happens contain chlorophyll which absorbs light
        • Prokaryotic are smaller and simpler and include bacteria
          • Bacteria has a cell membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, single strand of DNA, plasmids
            • They do not contain a nucleus but they have a strand of DNA floating in the cytoplasm
            • Plasmids are small rings of DNA (not all bacteria have them)
            • They do not have mitochondria or chloroplasts


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