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  • CLA
    • Nelson - children's first words can be split into 4 groups - 60% are nouns
      • Naming
      • actions/events
      • describing/modifying things
      • personal/social words
    • Berko - wugs - overgeneralise rules - internalise the rule, 3/4 of 4-5 year old formed wugs
    • Halliday's functions - Personal, interactional, regulatory, imaginative, representational, heuristic
    • Dore - labelling, repeating, answering, requesting actions, calling, practising, protesting, greeting
    • Piaget - Interaction with the environment -Sensorimotor (0-2) object permanence (knowing object still exists even when it's hidden), preoperational (2-7) egocentric, but can understand symbolism, concrete operational (7-11) logical/operational forms and understand conservation.
    • Skinner - imitation + positive reinforcement
    • Snow - CDS - yes/no questions, use of personal names instead of pronouns, repetition, higher pitch, present tense, expansions - retains attention, makes language understandable, etc.
    • Vygotsky - there's a zone of proximal development. They have verbal help until they have internalised it.
    • Bruner - scaffolding
    • Garvey's - children adopt roles and identifications, act out storylines and invent objects and settings as role play. This teaches them about social interactions and field-specific lexis.
    • Aitchison - labelling, packaging, network building
    • Clark - overextension
    • Lenneberg - first five years - social interaction is important to acquire language
    • Phonological stages - Vegetative (0-4 months) (sounds of discomfort, such as crying, coughing and sucking), cooing (4-7 months) (sounds of comfort like coos and laughing, and practise pitch and loudness), babbling (sounds similar to language, reduplicated sounds, extended sounds resembling syllable like sequences), protowords (9-12 months) (word like vocalisations).
      • Holophrastic, two word stage, telegraphic, post-telegraphic (use aux verbs)


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