CB4a - Evidence for human evolution

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  • CB4a - Evidence for human evolution
    • evolution - a change in one or more characteristics of a population over a long period of time
    • binomial system - the system of naming organisms using 2 Latin words
      • binomial species names
        • Indian peafowl - Pavo cristatus
        • modern humans - Homo sapiens
    • evidence from fossils and stone tools supports current ideas about human evolution
      • scientists use fossils to find out about human evolution
        • they work out how old the fossils are then put them in age order
      • stone tools - any tool made partially or entirely from stone
        • stone tools are dated by assuming they are about the same age as the layer of rock
    • Stone tools made by humanlike species developed over time as the more recent stone tools found were more sophisticated
    • fossil evidence for human-like species
      • 1.6 million years ago - microscopic study of the teeth indicates that it grew up at a growth rate similar to that of a great ape. Fossil evidence shows this species cared for old and weak individuals
      • 4.4 million years ago - The bones that make up Ardi’s feet suggest that humans and chimpanzees evolved separately
      • 3.2 million years ago - Lucy’s bones suggest that she walked in an upright position, like a human, but possessed a relatively small ape-like skull.
    • Ardi - the nickname for a 4.4 billion year old fossilised specimen of Ardipithecus ramidus that was discovered in Ethiopia
    • Lucy - the nickname for a 3.2 billion year old fossilised specimen of Australopithecus afarensis
    • Turkana boy - skeleton of a hominin youth who lived during the early Pleistocene (1.6 million years old)


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