  • Created by: jalajo
  • Created on: 28-04-15 21:17
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  • Causes of the General Strike, 1926
    • Economic
      • 'Structural coal problems' (long term): demand had fallen for coal due to foreign comp. and use of oil
        • 'Wages were cut, hours increased' (short term): miners angered because during the war there were national wage and hour controls  (nationalisation)
          • 'Samuel Commission' Baldwin gov subsidised wages and profits for 9 months + S.C. set up to report on coal problems
            • 'Not a penny off the pay, not a second off the day' (short term): Samuel Commission recommends wage cuts, miners appeal to TUC when owners force them to accept less pay and longer hours and the Strike began two days later on 3 May 1926
        • 'Return to Gold Standard, 1925' (short term): Exacerbated falling demand because it made coal more expensive this made owners want to cut wages and extend hours further, miners appealed to gov.
          • 'Samuel Commission' Baldwin gov subsidised wages and profits for 9 months + S.C. set up to report on coal problems
            • 'Not a penny off the pay, not a second off the day' (short term): Samuel Commission recommends wage cuts, miners appeal to TUC when owners force them to accept less pay and longer hours and the Strike began two days later on 3 May 1926
    • Political (vastly long term)
      • 'Class conflict' working class thought that in the war the 'officer class' viewed them as 'cannon fodder'
        • 'Syndicalism/rise in trade union membership' This made the TUC more confident using direct industrial action
      • 'Leadership failures': Baldwin could have put more pressure on owners to reach a compromise instead set up fight/ state of emergency with TUC through 1921 Emergency Powers Act


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