The Rust Belt

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  • The Rust Belt
    • What is it?
      • Places across the north eastern USA that have declined from their metal manufacturing past
      • Includes cities like Detroit, Pittsburgh and Chicago
      • Heavy industry has declined since the 1950s
    • Why did the Rust Belt decline?
      • Overseas companies could produce the same products for a lower cost
      • Mining machinery has made the industry less labour intensive
      • Lower wages in the south eastern USA has caused car and steel plants to relocate
        • Between 1993 and 2008, 80,000 jobs were lost in car manufacturing in the north east whilst 90,000 were gained in Alabama, Tennessee, Virginia and Texas
      • The US coal industry is only surviving because the government props it up with subsidies
    • Deindustriali-sation in Detroit
      • Once was a city based on car manufacturing
      • During the 1980s, foreign car companies opened up non-unionised manufacturing plants in the south
        • Cars could be manufactured cheaper
      • Lots of derelict houses and facotries


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