individuals- 18th - 19th century medicine

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  • Robert Koch
    • created a method for identifying the bacterium that causes disease
      • It meant that other doctors could use the same method and it be efficient every time. there was no chance of finding the wrong bacteria
    • discovered Cholera (1883) Tetanus (1884) the plague (1894) Dysentery (1898)
    • used gel to study bacteria as it is solid and therefore does not bend the image like a liquid and is transparent
    • used purple dye to colour the harmful bacteria and then find a way to kill only the purple bacteria without killing all the good bacteria aswell
    • Individuals
      • Louis Pasteur
        • discovered that germs caused decay and disease. other doctors had discovered these microbes but believed that they were created by the actual disease (spontaneous generation) Pasteur found out that it was the other way around
          • through experimenting bacteria growth in different environments he discovered that when he heated up a material it became sterile, no organisms grew inside it. this is called pasteurization and is used today for foods like milk.
        • Pasteur also proved innocultaion when he accidently
      • Florence Nightingale
        • introduced hygiene and order in war hospitals. she believed that miasma caused disease so made sure hospitals were well ventilated
          • Because of the hygiene she brought to the Crimean hospital the death rate decrease from 40%-2%
          • she wrote a book called notes on nursing and her ideas on hygiene in hospitals was quickly spread all around the world and many hospitals were influenced massively from her ideas
        • she was a model for nursing and set up the first nursing school and turned nursing into a respectable profession that required skills
      • Edward Jenner
        • he observed that people who developed cow pox were protected against small pox
          • he infected a child with cow pox puss from a sore and he became ill but then got better, Jenner then gave him puss from a small pox sore and he was fine
            • This lead to thousands of people getting inoculation against small pox saving many people
      • Mary seacole
        • was Jamaican and so was not allowed to be part of Florence's team to go to Crimea so went there herself. she set up her own British hotel to feed, give shelter to and heal soldiers. she even went to the front line to help the wounded there
          • however because of her race her ideas were not printed or publicized and so made no contributions to nursing


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