causes for global inequalities

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  • causes for global inequalities
    • climate- if a country hot, cold, or really dry crops won't grow. reduces the amount of food produced- malnutrion. people also fewer crops to sell , less money spend on good + sevices .
      • topography - if the land in the country is steep- less food , steep land - difficult to develop infrasture.e.g. roads+power lines- limit trade , country that landlocked - lack of trade and fishing etc.
    • education-  educating people  - allow people to get better jobs, this country  produce goods+ services - bring money through trade / investment. educated ppl earn more - more taxes . multiplier effect.
      • health- poor health and lack of clean water - cholera and malaria. ppl ill no work - no contribution to economy - expensive medicine +health care.  less money to spend on development + higher death and lower life expectancy.
    • colonialism- country been colonised - low level development after independence - not colonised. example when country colonis  other country - remove raw material + slaves exploitation. country depentent on coloniser - famine + malnutrition + poverty trap.
      • neo colonialism - when country continue to conrol other country after colisatoin. e.g. tNCs exploit cheap labor + raw material - poverty trap
    • economic    -     corrupt government- affect develop- e.g. take money for develop project ( infrastructure + improving faciles).
      • political - authoritarian government - help development policies to improve growth country. e.g China but go wrong e.g. Cuba. development - democratic less extreme.   international relations - trade agreement and loans to invest development projects.
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