Case Study California Droughts

  • Created by: saahirahx
  • Created on: 07-04-21 19:00
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  • California Drought
    • Impacts
      • Environmental— Salmon and trout died in the sun. California usually grows half the vegetables and fruit in the USA.
      • Political— The state government paid £687 million of it's savings to compensate farmers and homeowners who lost earnings or property
      • Social— Homeowners were told to stop using water to wash down, their driveways, or water gardens using a hose was band.
    • Background Information: 1)Capital- Sacramento. 2)Population- 38.3 million. 3)California is the largest state in the union based on it's population
    • Event Information: A drought lasting three years between 2012- 2015. An area of high pressure blocked low pressure areas from bringing winter rainfall.
  • Response
    • Immediate and short term responses— Compulsory water restrictions including a ban on watering gardens and washing cars. Toilets, washing machines and showers must use modern low water technologies
    • Long term response— Famers began crops that do not need much water. Investment into desalination plants that remove salt from seawater. A reduction in the amount of electricity generated through hydro-electric power
    • California Drought
      • Impacts
        • Environmental— Salmon and trout died in the sun. California usually grows half the vegetables and fruit in the USA.
        • Political— The state government paid £687 million of it's savings to compensate farmers and homeowners who lost earnings or property
        • Social— Homeowners were told to stop using water to wash down, their driveways, or water gardens using a hose was band.
      • Background Information: 1)Capital- Sacramento. 2)Population- 38.3 million. 3)California is the largest state in the union based on it's population
      • Event Information: A drought lasting three years between 2012- 2015. An area of high pressure blocked low pressure areas from bringing winter rainfall.




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