cardiovascular revision

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  • cardiovascular system
    • blood
      • What are the major components of the blood?Red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leucocytes), platelets, plasma
      • What types of molecules are transported in the plasma?Dissolved subtances such as glucose, proteins, amino acids, salts and poisons such as carbon dioxide and urea.
      • What are the cell types found in the blood?Erythroxytes (red bloodc ells) Leucocytes (white blood cells)
      • What is the primary function of erythrocytes?Carry oxygen in the blood to cells and tissues
      • What is the function of haemoglobin?Binds to oxygen, forming oxyhaemoglobin
      • What are the 2 major types of leucocytes?Lymphocytes (B-type and T-type), phagocytes (neutrophils and monocytes)
    • heart
      • What does the acronym LORD mean?Left oxygenated, right deoxygenated. This refers to the heart.
      • Why is the circulatory system referred to as a double system?The systemic cricuit pumps blood around the body, the pulmonary circuit pumps blood to and from the lungs.
      • What is the function of valves?They prevent backflow of blood, forcing the blood to move in one direction only.
      • What is the name of the arteries that supply the heart? Coronary arteries
    • tissue fluid and lymph
      • How is the water in plasma forced out of capillaries at the tissues?Hydrostatic pressure
      • How is the water in tissue fluid returned to capillaries?Osmosis
      • What is lymph formed from?Excess fluid from tissue fluid
    • cardiovascular malfunctions
      • How is hypertension monitored?Sphygmomanometer
      • What type of diet leads to hypertension?High fat, too much food intake leading to obesity, high salt diet
      • What are 3 other causes of hypertension?Stress, excessive alcohol, smoking
      • What other problems can hypertension lead to?Coronary heart disease


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