Cardiovascular Disease

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    • 1. What is it?
      • Cardiovascular disease is a term used to describe diseases of the heart or blood vessels.
        • E.g. coronary heart disease.
    • Coronary Heart Disease
      • 2. What is it?
        • CHD is when the coronary arteries that supply the blood to the muscle of the heart get blocked by layers of fatty material building up.
          • This causes the arteries to become narrow, so blood flow is restricted and there's a lack of oxygen to the heart muscle - this can result in a heart attack.
      • 3. What are stents? How can they treat CHD?
        • Stents are tubes that are inserted inside arteries.
          • They keep them open, making sure blood can pass through to the heart muscles. This keeps the persons heart beating.
        • 4. Advantages of stents
          • They are a way of lowering the risk of a heart attack in people with CHD.
          • They are effective for a long time and the recovery time from the surgery is relatively quick.
        • 5. Disadvantages of stents.
          • Risk of complications during the operation and infection from the surgery.
          • Risk of thrombosis - a blood clot near the stent.
    • 6. What are statins used for?
      • They reduce cholesterol in the blood.
        • 7. What is it and what are the problems with too much of it in our blood?
          • Cholesterol is an essential lipid that your body produces and needs to function properly. Too much of it can cause health problems.
      • 8. Advantages of statins
        • Can reduce the risks of strokes, coronary heart disease and heart attacks.
        • Can increase the amount of good cholesterol.
      • 9. Disadvantages of statins
        • Must be taken regularly.
        • Can cause negative side effects like headaches.
    • 10. What are artificial hearts and when are they fitted?
      • Mechanical devices that pump blood for a person whose own heart has failed.
      • 11. Advantages
        • Less likely to be rejected by immune system than a donor heart. Because they're made from metals and plastics.
      • 12. Disadvantages
        • Surgery can lead to bleeding and infection.
        • Don't work as well as natural ones.
        • Blood doesn't flow through as smoothly.
      • 13. When was the first one inserted into a patient?
        • 1982
    • 14. When are replacement heart valves fitted?
      • When the heart is damaged or weakened. By heart attacks, infection or old age.
        • 15. What are biological valves?
          • Valves taken from humans or other mammals.
        • 16. What are mechanical valves?
          • Man-made valves.
        • 17. Advantages and disadvantages of replacing valves
          • A much less drastic procedure than a whole heart transplant. But there can still be major blood clots from the surgery.
    • 18. What is artificial blood?
      • Untitled


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