Can existence be treated as a predicate?

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  • Can existence be treated as a predicate?
    • Kant believed that 'existence' is not a predicate and not a characteristic of something
      • it is in a different category.
    • to say that something is predicate is to comment on its 'ontological status'
      • saying that something exists is saying that it has the status of being a real thing, a thing which is exemplified in reality
    • Not everyone agrees with Kants that existence is not a predicate
      • Norman Malcolm argues that existence in the contingency ordinary kiund might not be a predicate, but that necesssary existence which only applies to God is different
      • necessary existence is a characteristic that draws a distinction between God and everything else, just like Gods 3 o's and eternalness are predicates.
    • Necessary existence is a distinguishing characteristic which sets God apart and therefore can be used as a predicate.


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