Caliban: The Tempest

  • Created by: Hannah274
  • Created on: 09-05-16 19:26
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  • Caliban
    • 'Natural servant'
      • Seen by the setterlers as someone who needs to be suppressed so that he will have use. This was a common perception at the time.
    • 'This isle's mine by Sycorax my mother'
      • Makes the audience sympathise for Caliban as he was usurped himself by Prospero. It as demonstrates how Caliban is connected to the island by an innate sense of belonging  that the Europeans do not possess.
    • 'Misery acquaints himself with strange bedfellows.'
    • 'Moon-calf'
      • Another insult the Caliban has to injure.
    • 'The isle is full of noises, sounds and sweet airs.'
      • The use of poetry shows a level of sophistication in Caliban that is not present and I actively suppressed by the Europeans. This links to the essay 'Of Cannibals' by Montaigne. This stated that there was such a thing as the 'noble savage' someone who was untouched by civilisation.
    • 'Celestial liquor.'
      • Seeing the invading Europeans as god-like. Adds to the comedic nature of the scene but also the harsh fact that some of the natives 'loved' the invaders until they enslaved them.
    • 'Pinch me as thick as honeycomb.'
      • Prospero controls Caliban with Punishment and pain, this was the normal treatment of rebel slaves at the time.
    • 'Batter his skull, paunch him with a stake, or cut his weasand with thy knife'
      • The list form of this demonstrates the childish and savage ways of Caliban, while also portraying him as a calculating killer. The fact that he can list many different ways to dispatch his master, suggests to the audience that he has thought about this for a long time. This brings him a sense of menace to the character.
    • 'She will bring forth brave brood'
      • Miranda is even seen by Caliban as a sexual object her only value is that she is a virgin.
    • 'What a thrice-double *** was I, to take this drunkard for a god a worship this dull fool.'
      • This shows a change in Claiban, he no longer will look to drunks for guidance. However if we look deeper this could also be a parallel for Prospero, Caliban he renounced his need for a master and has become the leader of the Island once more.
    • 'Monster'
      • seen as sub-human, without civilisation he is nothing
    • 'Thou didst seek to violate the honour of my child.'
      • This again reduces the sympathetic nature of Caliban, we see him as a violent ****** hell-bent on destroying Miranda. However the reason why Prospero is so mad at Caliban is because he nearly broke Miranda's virginity, Prospero's bargaining chip to bring him into power.
    • 'You taught me your language and now I profit from it, you taught me how to curse.'
      • Caliban is seen as the rebel slave someone who is there to antagonise the rich and more powerful Prospero. He is the opposite to the complete slave Ariel.


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