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  • C1
    • Atoms, molecules and compounds.
  • Atoms
    • Atoms, molecules and compounds.
    • Electrons
      • negatively charged
      • electrons move around the nucleus in shells
    • Form bonds to make molecules or compounds
      • If an atom loses/gains an electron, it GETS A CHARGE
        • POSITIVE if it LOSES an electron
        • NEGATIVE if it GAINS an electron
        • Charged atoms are known as IONS
  • Nucleus
    • positively charged
    • Atoms
      • Electrons
        • negatively charged
        • electrons move around the nucleus in shells
      • Form bonds to make molecules or compounds
        • If an atom loses/gains an electron, it GETS A CHARGE
          • POSITIVE if it LOSES an electron
          • NEGATIVE if it GAINS an electron
          • Charged atoms are known as IONS
  • If a positive ion meets a negative ion, they'll be attracted to each other and join together




    sorry bro, i think this mind map is just a tad vague could do with some more information for us triple students as we need the higher amounts of information

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