C1 - Cracking and Alkenes

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  • C1 - Cracking and Alkenes
    • How Cracking works
      • 1. Crude oil have different amounts of hydrocarbons but never enough petrol sized molecules.
      • 2. Heating the hydrocarbons makes them move until the carbon-carbon bonds is broken. They have break in different places resulting in a mixture of products.
      • 3. One of the products is an alkane (simple bond) whereas the other has a double bond making it an Alkene.
      • 4.The double bond makes the alkene more reactive than alkanes, making them more useful.
      • Ethene is an important product of cracking. It is the starting point of making polythene and many other plastics.
      • Fuel oil is mixed with steam in a furnace at about 850'c, undergoing thermal decomposition. Changing the amount of steam alters the products.
      • Fuel oil vaporised and mixed with a catalyst at about 600'c. Using a catalyst allows the action to take place at a lower temperature.
    • Alkenes
      • They have a double bond.
      • One of the two bonds can open up, allowing a carbon atom to form a bond with another atom.
        • Making them more reactive
      • As they can add atoms this means they are unsaturated.
      • By adding bromine water to a hydrocarbon will determine whether it is saturated.
        • If the hydrocarbon contains double bonds the colour will disappear meaning it is unsaturated (Alkene). If the colour remains it is saturated (Alkane).
      • Formulae= C(n)H(2n)


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