C1 - Assumptions Part 1

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  • C1 - Approaches
    • Behaviourist
      • - We are a product of our environment
      • - Concerned with stimuli and response
      • - There are no thought processes
      • 1. We learn through conditioning
        • Classical Conditioning - learn through association
        • Operant Conditioning - learn through reinforcement & punishment
      • 2. Humans & animals learn in the same way
      • 3. We are all born as a blank slate
      • 1. Operant Conditioning - We view relationships as being rewarding as we gain things from the other person (knowledge, compassion etc). Means we want to form romantic relationships with people because we see them as being gratifying because they can make us better people.
      • 2. Classical Conditioning - We see our role models in romantic relationships and they show feelings of happiness etc. We then associate relationships with feelings of fulfillment and joy and we therefore want to be in romantic relationships as they will bring us satisfaction.
    • Cognitive
      • - Concerned with internal processes
      • - Looks at how thoughts, and beliefs shape our behaviour
      • 1. The Computer Analogy
      • 2. Internal Mental Processes
      • 3. Schemas
      • 1. Internal Mental Processes - how a person is perceived will determine whether a relationship with them is desirable or not. If you see someone as being rude or aggressive for example, you won't want to form a romantic relationship with them.
      • 2. Schemas - (The Halo Effect) We see attractive people as having better personality traits than less attractive people. This means we prefer to form friendships for example with more attractive people as they will supposedly be more intelligent, caring etc.
    • Biological
      • - Concerned solely with genetics and physiology
      • - Nothing is environmental
      • 1. Different parts of the brain have different functions
      • 2. Behaviour can be explained with neurotransmitters
      • 3. Behaviour is influenced by evolution
      • 1. Neurotransmitters - Serotonin is associated with pleasure, so being in a romantic relationship with someone will release serotonin, making the person feel joy
      • 2. Evolution - Women prefer to form romantic relationships with people who have better "survival" traits, e.g. health, stable income, strong sperm etc. Infers that their children will be strong as well.


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