business objectives

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  • business objectives
    • a firms motives are often determined by who controls it - owners/ shareholders, directors and manager, state, consumers and pressure groups
    • profit maximisation
      • neo-classical economists assumes the intrests if owners or shareholders are most important - max profit in short run to maximise owners returns
      • by short run profit maximising, firms can generate funds for investment and help them survive a slowdown
      • firms producd where MR=MC
        • diagram
      • provides greater wages and dividends, retained profits are a cheap source of finance (saves paying higher interest later on) provide a stable price and output in long run
    • reveune maximisation
    • sales maximisation
      • managers aim to maximise growth as salary may be linked to size of company, often easier for people to judge level of growth - increase prestige
        • size if ften linked to security, growth will increase market share, tends to be a short term strategy - in long term firms are more likely to profit maximise
          • want highest level of sales wthout making a loss, aim for normal profits, Produce where AC=AR
            • diagram
    • satisficing
      • due to principal agent problem owners and directors will have different goals
        • therefore managers are more likely to profit satisfice - make enough profit to keep owners happy whilst following other objectves eg for their own benefit


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