Britain at War

  • Created by: Aislinn
  • Created on: 29-03-13 13:05
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  • Britain at War
    • The role of the government, food supplies and rationing
      • Censorship- stopping the passing of certain information in newspapers, radio, letters. The aim was to prevent info that would encourage the enemy and demoralize the British. Told what could be published. Army had own censors
      • Propaganda- giving people info in order to make them think in a certain way. Large team who produced posters persuading people to help with the war effort. Patriotic films and books encorages, e.g. Henry 5th and posters, e.g. how to... move in a blackout
      • Rationing- started in 1940, people had books of coupons. Three types, butter etc. by weight, dried food/ tinned by points, milk/ orange juice priority, babies. The ministry of food encoraged people to grow their own food and keep animals, but in cities they couldn't there was a black market.
    • The Changing role of Women
      • Conscription- with men at war most women were conscribed. They could chose to join the armed serves, civil defense or industry and soon were doing vital work.
      • In the services- had their own section ATS(army), the WAAF (air force, the Wrens (navy). Work: cooking, cleaning office work but later they worked on: anti-aircraft posts, radio operators, drivers, spies and motorbike messengers but were not allowed to battle
      • Attitudes to women working changed during the war but after the war they were discharged as it was seen important to get men jobs.
    • D-day and the defeat of Germany
      • D-day-US joined the war but didn't want to fight long to suggested a carefully planned plan for a quick invasion of Europe. They needed to send troops and supplies quickly and alot, and divert as many germans. They leaked info saying they were landing somewhere other than Normandy. 6th June 1944
      • Sucess- careful planning and preparation. Confused Germans on where troops would land: attack on radar all along the coast, coded messages invasion would be in Calais, plans leading the Germans to believe many troops were landing in other parts and ships in Calais
      • Other factors: deception, pluto fuel pipeline, rapid ferrying of troops/supplies and air/sea backup. Parachutist troops blew up railways and bridges to disrupt communications. Us troops and equipment meant loses didn't have a great effect. Germany under pressure in the East so couldn't easily regroup to fight back.
      • Defeat- after D-day germany was under pressure from all sides and didn't have enough soliders or resources. Allies put pressure on by: bombing industry, military adn cities- worse than the blitz, bombing submarienes keeping sea clear, sabotage road and rail. By April 1945, soviet troops were closing in on Berlin. Victory of Arnhem in dec 1944, surprise attack at Rhine but not enough soliders. Hitler committed suicide and Germany Surrendered.


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