governement breakdown french revolution

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  • Breakdown of the government
    • Financial crisis
      • WAR- Necker had raised loans rather than impose new taxes. Didn't lead to revolution didn't give lenders confidence. TAX- crown didn't receive much money in collected taxes. privilege classes whose income had increased were an untapped source of revenue crown urgently needs to access.
      • Bad taxation system where the burden fell on the peasantry. People brought into offices so privileges to the Church and higher estates were maintained.
      • Three French ministers who would of all benefited the French economy if their reform packages were put in place rather than been rejected
    • Assembly of the Notables
      • Couldn't agree to package of reforms as they had most to lose. Recognised the need or reform but argued the king needed approval of nation and called for estates general to meet.
      • The nobility were exempt from paying taxes, ensured that certain taxes were upheld and didn't like erosions of privileges. Brought positions of power and offices.
      • The assembly of the clergy- Exempt from paying taxes and guaranteed rights and privileges by law. Would offer grants to the king and didn't have to pay money for the troops. Owned 15% of nations land.
      • Political crisis
        • new general controller Brienne. Reform package was denied by parlement which led to Louis exiling them from Paris.
    • Political crisis
      • new general controller Brienne. Reform package was denied by parlement which led to Louis exiling them from Paris.
    • French Economy
      • rural poverty- poor harvests, fodder crops, low yields of wine crops, small amounts of land due to inheritance system, leads to inflation of prices.
      • town life- overcrowded and standard living was poor. Disease spread and there was low life expectancy and high infant mortality. Life in towns continued to grow due to industrialisation and foreign trade. There was growing tension in towns as there is a mixture of poor and rich
    • Royal family
      • Louis wouldn't engage in an estates-general and was easily influenced by his wife. Marie influenced louis opinions and decisions such as the royal ministers who were all forced to resign
      • Marie Anntoneitte increased royal expenses drastically, 200 new dresses a year and a personalised hamlet built. Influenced office powers and gave important entitlement to friends.


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