book 2

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  • book 2 fall of troy
    • Virgil; shifts the focus from the fate of troy as a city to the fate of destiny of Aeneas as a man
      • Narrated from Trojan perspective
    • ghosts
      • hector visits him in a dream telling him not to stand and fight but to leave troy and search for a new city
        • she tells him that the heavens forbid them to be together
        • melancholy
        • she tells him of his destiny and how hes going to have a long exile to the west land
        • he tries to hold her 3 times but he cant
          • she represents his past which he cant hold onto
        • he should take sacraments and household gods
      • when Aeneas goes to find crusa he cant find her so he calls her name and her ghost appears
    • Aeneas disobeys hector
      • he goes and finds his friends to fight
      • he kills some Greeks and put their shield helmet and swords on
        • this gives them an advantage as they kill many unexpectant greeks
        • their fellow Greeks fall for their disguise and kill some of the men
        • priam is killed as his head chopped off, this marks the end of troy
      • Aeneas goes and finds Helen
        • he wants to kill her for all the damage she has caused
        • he also doesn't want her to go on and continue to have a peaceful life
        • Venus doesn't appear in a disguise because their isn't enough time
      • he encourages his men to fight
        • he tells them that they're going to die anyway so they might as well die a noble death
      • driven by kleos not destiny
      • supernatural signs show that hes not deserting troy
    • venus appears to retrain her son
      • she reminds him of his family
        • he is torn between civic and family values
        • he goes to find his family
          • Anchises says hes too old to leave and wants to die in troy
            • Aeneas is in despair and wants to go and fight
              • cresua says that if he wanted to fate then creusa and iulus will share his fate
                • she holds out lulus to remind him of his responsibility
        • iulus hair bursts into flames
          • Anchises takes this as an omen
          • Anchises prays for another
            • this is confirmed as a peal of thunder that  lit up mount ida
        • Aeneas carries achises on his back , iulus shall walk to the side and crusa shall walk behind
          • demonstration of pietas
        • crusa is left behind so he goes to find her
    • he has a choice between civilic/ social responsibility
      • following his duty or giving into passion and gaining personal glory
    • when he puts on the Greek armour he is being dishonourable
      • he is being as bad as the greeks
      • so bad things happen
    • there is a vivid image of him caring for his family
      • this shown as a bad thing because bad things happen
    • this marks the end of troy
      • likened to an ancient ash tree
        • farms have axed the tree many times and failed but now the wounds are fatal
    • The greeks are in Tendos but it appears they have sailed back to tendos
      • they've left a wooden horse
        • size of a mountain , pine trees used for ribs
        • laocoon thinks its a trick and throws his spear into its stomach
          • laocoon and his two sons are killed by two sea serpents that then run into Athenes temple
        • Sinon is found
          • tells them he was hated by the greeks due to his anger after Palamedes was killed after he said that he would avenge Ulxies
          • Apollos said that if they wanted to leave then they had to sacrifice someone to ensure good weather
            • Sinon was chosen but he managed to run away
          • claims that the horse is a gift to Athene after Ulixes destroyed one of her temples
            • if harms comes to the wooden horse troy will be destroyed by Athene
            • if they store the horse and look after it then one day there will be a war between the Trojans and the Greeks and Athene will favour the Trojans
    • Cassandra warned them about this but nobody listened
      • she's dragged from the temple of Athene
        • Corebus is in love with her and cannot bare this
    • the palace of priam
      • Mars in influencing a heavy battle
      • Pyrrhus is described as a snake
      • Pyrrhus gave polites a fatal wound, he managed to escape and reach his parents
        • when he reaches his parents he vomited his lifes supply of blood and dies
      • Pyrrhus takes priam to the alter and beheads him
        • Priam tried to remind him that his father would be ashamed of him
        • This reminds Aeneas of his own fragile father, his wife who hes left behind and the responsibility he has for the fate of Iulus


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