Odyssey Book 6

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  • Book 6
    • Flow Chart
      • Athene comes to Nausicaa in a dream saying she must take her dirty clothes to be washed as if she ever wanted to marry she couldn't have dirty clothes. N asks her father is she can wash her brothers clothes - too shy to ask due to marriage connotations. Her father understands and loads up a wagon with her maids, a picnic and olive oil and they go to the river.
        • they wash the clothes at the river and sit down to enjoy their meal. Then they played a game of ball. Nausicaa began to pack up when the spirit of Athene urged her to throw the ball at one of her maids who then shrieked waking O. O wakes wondering whether they are 'savages' or 'god-fearing' people. He walks down to the river covering himself with a branch. The maids shriek and run away but Nausicaa stands firm on seeing O.
          • O wonders whether to supplicate by grabbing her knees or whether this physical contact way scare her. He gives a long speech which praises Nausicaa in a speech:
            • likens her to the goddess Artemis
              • praises her beauty
                • blesses her future husband
                  • appeals for sympathy through recounting his long travels
                    • prays that the Gods bless her
            • Nausicaa greets him with great hospitality. She declares her status and says she knows he isn't hostile as the Gods favour Phaeacia and wouldn't bring a bad man to their land. She orders her maids to clear him up. However O takes the olive oil from them as doesn't want them to see in naked - courteous behaviour. A then makes O more beautiful.
    • themes
      • N's beauty
        • the simile of N as a 'palm tree' is used to describe her beauty as it depicts her as young and tall.
        • she is compared to the goddess Artemis again illustrating her height and the fact that her beauty is comparable to a God shows she must be beautiful
        • O refers to her beauty a multiple times in her speech and her epithet is 'white-armed' which suggests beauty and purity.
      • civilisation
        • this is first introduced to us when O uses the phrase 'savages' or 'god-fearing people' which represents his fear on all his journeys.
          • However we know the Phaeacians are civilised as they have temples and meeting places showing their town is organised and 'god-fearing'
      • weaving
        • Arete is depicted as weaving just like C and Penelope showing how for women this is an important role throughout the Odyssey.
    • techniques
      • O gives a long speech to N in order to convince her of his reliability and courteousy as a person.
      • epic similes
        • 'Artemis the Archeress coming down from the mountain'
          • N's beauty
        • like a mountain lion who sallies out, defying wind and rain in the pride of his power...to hunt down oxen or wild dear'
          • how the maids view O as a threat that they are helpless against.
        • 'fresh young palm tree'
          • N's beauty
        • 'just as a craftsman trained by Hephaestus or Pallas'
          • perfection of beauty Athene creates in O


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