Bocchiaro Study into Whistleblowing and Obedience.

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  • Bocchiaro study into whistle blowing and disobedience (2012).
    • AIM- 1. To see how many people will comply with an unethical request and how many will respond by whistleblowing to a higher authority.
    • METHOD- 149 students were given an unethical request to write a statement designed to convince others to participate in a traumatic sensory deprivation experiments. They were then left alone to see what they would do.
      • PARTICIPANTS- All from VU university of Amsterdam and all undergraduate students. 149 took part in the first procedure and were recruited by flyers in the cafeteria making this a volunteer sample.
        • PARTICIPANTS- In the second procedure 138 different participants were surveyed.
      • PROCEDURE- Participants were then left in a room with a computer to write there statement, also a mailbox and ethics committee forms, if the participant believed the study was unethical they would fill out a for, and then post it(whistle blowing)


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