Blood Clots (CVD)

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  • Blood Clots (CVD)
    • Formation of a blood clot
      • Thromboplastin released from damaged blood vessel
        • Thromboplastin and calcium ions (from plasma) trigger conversion of Prothrombin to Thrombin
          • Thrombin starts conversion between Fibrinogen and Fibrin
            • Fibrinogen is a soluble protein, Fibrin are solid insoluble fibres
            • Fibrin fibres tangle and form a mesh, trapping platelets and red blood cells
              • Blood clot is formed
          • Prothrombin is a soluble protein, Thrombin is an enzyme
        • Thromboplastin is a protein
    • Can result in...
      • Heart attacks
        • Blood contains oxygen needed by heart muscle cells for respiration
          • If the arteries are blocked by a blood clot, it cuts off the blood supply, less oxygen to reach the heart muscle.
            • Causes a heart attack
              • Heart attacks can cause damage and death of the heart muscle
                • Symptoms:
                  • Pain in chest
                  • Shortness of breath
                  • Sweating
      • Strokes
        • Rapid loss of brain function
          • Due to disruption in blood supply to the brain
            • can be caused by a blood clot, reducing how much oxygen can reach the brain
      • Deep vein thrombosis
        • Formation of a blood clot in a vein deep into the body
          • Most common in leg veins
            • Caused by prolonged inactivity, increased risk with age
    • Coronary Heart disease, arteries have a lot of atheromas, restricting blood flow
      • Increases risk of blood clot formation


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