Biology - Respiration

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  • Respiration
    • Aerobic Respiration
      • Respiration is NOT breathing. It is the chemical reaction that occurs between Oxygen and Glucose. This reaction happens in every cell in your whole body.
      • Chemical equation: Glucose+Oxygen ----> Carbon Dioxide+water (+energy)
      • Aerobic respiration is when the chemical reaction needs Oxygen. This is used when you are doing normal activities and plenty of oxygen is present.
    • Anaerobic Respiration
      • Anaerobic respiration is when the chemical reaction does not need oxygen. Anaerobic respiration is used when the body requires lots of energy for a short amount of time and your body cannot receive enough oxygen, for example, 100m sprint
      • Chemical equation: Glucose ---> Lactic Acid (+energy)
      • After intense activity and the Lactic Acid has built up in your body, because it is toxic you must get rid of it. This CANNOT be done by breathing, it does not come out in your breath. So to remove the lactic acid your breathing will still be deep, fast and heavy. This is because oxygen reacts with the lactic acid turning it into CO2 and water. This is known as the oxygen debt
      • Chemical equation for Oxygen Debt: Lactic Acid+Oxygen ---> Carbon Dioxide+water
    • If you exercise hard your heart and lungs cannot get enough oxygen to your muscles. If this happens anaerobic respiration will take place. It produces lactic acid and only a small amount of energy.
    • If muscles work hard for a long time, they can become fatigue and will not contract efficiently.


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