Biology Mind Map

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  • Biology
    • there are 2 types of cells
      • Eukaryotic (plant and animal) and Prokaryotic (bacteria)
        • The difference between these cells are that Prokaryotic cells are much smaller and Eukaryotic cells contain membrane bound-organelles and a nucleus containing genetic material
    • Genetic information is stored in a prokaryotic cell by chromosomal DNA and plasmid DNA
      • Plasmids are small, circular loops of DNA found free in the cytoplasm and separate from the main DNA
    • A communicable disease is a disease caused by a pathogen which can be passed between animals or plants
      • A pathogen is a disease-causing microorganism
    • A tissue is a group of cells with a similar structure and function working together
      • An organ is a collection of tissues working together to perform a specific function
        • An organ system is a group of organs working together to perform specific functions
    • Once inside the body, bacteria divide rapidly by binary fission. They kill cells and produce harmful toxins
      • Viruses invade and reproduce inside living body cells, leading to cell damage
    • Photosynthesis is the process by which plants synthesise glucose using light energy from the sun. Light energy is converted into chemical energy
      • It takes place within chloroplasts in leaf palisade cells. They contain chlorophyll, a pigment which absorbs light energy
        • The equation for photosynthesis is Carbon dioxide + Water - > Glucose + Oxygen
    • Aerobic respiration is an exothermic reaction in which glucose reacts with oxygen to release energy which can be used by cells
      • The equation for aerobic respiration is Glucose + Oxygen - > Carbon dioxide + Water
        • It takes place in the mitochondria
          • Anaerobic respiration is an exothermic reaction in which glucose is broken down to release energy in the absence of oxygen
            • The equation for anaerobic respiration is Glucose - > Lactic acid


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