biological methods of stress management

  • Created by: Rachel
  • Created on: 11-02-13 20:18
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  • Biological methods of stress management
    • Beta-blockers
      • drugs such as Inderal. they reduce the heart rate and blood pressure
      • they reduce adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones stimulate beta-adrenergic receptors in the body, which lead to a higher heart rate and blood pressure
      • they are sometimes used by performers and sportspeople to reduce their physiological stress response and improve their concentration
    • BZs
      • drugs such as Valium which reduce stress and anxiety
      • they work at reducing brain arousal. they enhance a chemical called GABA, which tells the brain neurons to stop firing which leads to the person feeling calmer
      • it reacts with a special site on the outside of the recieving neuron. this allows chloride ions to pass into the neutron which makes the neutron less responsive
    • evaluation of drugs:
      • drugs lead to either or both side-effects and dependency. side effects of BZs include increased aggresion and cognitive effects such as impaired memory.
      • drugs work rapidly therefore the participants feel better more quickly and they feel more effective to the people taking them
      • they are easy to obtain because all you have to do is remember to take them which takes less time and effort than SIT
      • they only deal with the symptoms of stress not the causes therefore stress keeps occuring
      • drugs have been shown to work: Hidalgo did a metra-analysis and found that BZs were more effective at reducing anxiety than other drugs such as anti-depressants
    • Biofeedback
      • it provides a lasting remedy for harmful stressors by bringing involuntary behaviours into the concious arena
      • patients are attached to a machine which gives visual and auditory feedback about physiological activity
      • patients are taught relaxation techniques
    • evaluation:
      • has been used to successfully address a variety of physical disorders
      • Budzynski found that it helps to counteract chronic muscle-contraction headaches
      • Curtis used it to address the constriction of blood flow to fingers and toes caused by Raynaud's disease
      • Attansio found it worked best with children. children are miore wiillng to try harder and acheieve
      • it is not understood fully  how it works and it may be that success is due to relaxation which leads to alleviation of stress symptoms
      • treatment is relatively expensive and requires specialist training and equipment


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