Biological key question

  • Created by: pottjja
  • Created on: 16-03-17 15:41
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  • Biological key question-
    • what are the implications for society if aggression is found to be caused by nature not nurture?
    • killer ape and hippie ape
      • killer ape theory - humans evolved the way they did because they were more aggressive tan other animals
      • hippie ape- we are descended from creatures that had a talent for teamwork and a desire to help each other out
  • not part of human nature = environment
    • part of human nature = genetic/biological
    • Biological key question-
      • what are the implications for society if aggression is found to be caused by nature not nurture?
      • killer ape and hippie ape
        • killer ape theory - humans evolved the way they did because they were more aggressive tan other animals
        • hippie ape- we are descended from creatures that had a talent for teamwork and a desire to help each other out


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