  • Created by: taylad
  • Created on: 03-11-16 15:38
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  • Biofeedback
    • Description A01
      • 1. Patients attached to a machine that gives info about physiological activity (heart rate for e.g)
      • 2. A buzzer goes off when the patient shoes signs of stress and a flashing light occurs when their muscles tense
      • 3. Patient is taught to slow down the light and buzzer by using relaxation techniques (which help to bring the body under control and reduce activity of SNS and activate PNS)
      • 4. Biofeedback therefore allows patients to alter their involuntary movements such as heart rate and blood pressure
      • 5. Patient is set a target (e.g. a certain time to control muscle tension) and reaching this target is rewarding, increasing the likelihood that the technique will be used again in real life.
    • Research  & Evaluation
      • LEMAIRE - 40 medical students were given biofeedback therapy 3x a day for 28 days & stress levels were monitored for a further 28 days. Experimental group had lower stress levels compared to a control group who didn't have biofeedback. Suggests biofeedback can reduce stress levels.
      • BOUCHARD - group of 30 soldiers had 1x 30min session of biofeedback daily for three days. Found that soldiers had lower levels of stress whilst playing a shooting video game than a control group who didn't have biofeedback. Gives impression that biofeedback reduces stress levels.
      • ATTANASIO - found that biofeedback works well with children - more willing to try and reach the goal - suggests there are individual differences, you have to be motivated for treatment to work.
      • Biofeedback is non invasive - no negative side effects or addictive components (unlike drug therapy). It is a long term treatment and can be applied to everyday life, and it also gets to the root of the problem and treats it rather than just the symptoms.
      • Economic implications - biofeedback is expensive (requires specialist equipment and needs supervision) so cost may limit who gets access to the treatment - some psychologists have argued that relaxation is the crucial factor and so equipment may not be essential.


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