Bio T3 Mutations (protein synthesis)

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  • Genetic variants /alleles (different version of a gene) due to mutations
    • 2.) If mutation happens in a gene it produces a genetic variant (different version of the gene)
    • 1.) A mutation is due to organisms's DNA base sequences that can be inherited
    • 3.) Genetic variant may code for a different sequence of amino acids which may change shape of final protein & so it's activity
    • 4.) Could end up changing characteristics (e.g. phenotype) of an organism (e.g. fruit flies with normal enzyme have red eyes ones without have brown eyes as can't produce red eye pigment)
    • Mutations can also happen in non-coding DNA regions
      • 1.) RNA polymerase has to bind to non-coding DNA region in front of a gene before transcription,
      • 2.) If mutation happens in this region could affect ability of RNA polymerase to bind to it (could be easier or harder)
      • 3.) How well RNA polymerase can bind to region of DNA affects how much mRNA is transcribed & so how much protein is produced (depending on function of protein, phenotype of organism may be affected)
      • 4.) Genetic variants/alleles in non-coding DNA regions can still affect phenotype of organism but don't code for proteins themselves


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