
  • Created by: MustafzYT
  • Created on: 09-03-18 09:31
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  • Binary
    • Binary Addition
      • The way to add binary is to remember that 1+0=1 , 0+0=0, 1+0+0 =1 and 1+1+1=1
    • Binary Shifts
      • The way to do binary shifts is if the question says to multiply by 1 shift means moving in to the left by one and if it says divided you move it to the right.
    • Binary Conversions
      • The way to convert from binary to denary is to make a 8-bit table so you would do 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 and start backwards.
      • The way to convert from denary to binary is to do the same method but get the 8 bit able and then add the numbers with 1 under it. NOT 0.
        • The way to convert binary into hex is to split the binary number in half. Find one segment of it and the other and find the number it is. so if it is 1 and 15 it would be 1F
          • The way to convert from binary to denary is to make a 8-bit table so you would do 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 and start backwards.
    • In binary 0 means false and 1 means true.
    • Binary overflow is when a number has more than 8 bits.




Hey guys mustafa here! only joking me joshua gerald jones here good luck with your exam hope you fail!! :) have a bady day buddyboi



dad wru



looks like I’m getting A’s

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