Edexcel GSCE long course: religion and life: believing in god

im not finished i just have to go for today. I'll finish tomorrow :) 

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  • Believing in God
    • design argument
      • Summary
        • Some people argue that the complexity of the natural world and the uniqueness of a person's DNA and thumbprint support belief in God
      • The world is so well ordered and everything is balanced to sustain life. The world is so beautiful and complex, interdependent parts make a whole.
        • This complex world therefore must have been designed.
          • if it was designed, it must have a designer
            • the only being powerful enough to design the universe is God
              • so God must exist... Right?
    • Causation argument
      • Summary
        • some people argue that everything in the world has a cause and therefore the world must have a cause  and that cause must be God.
      • Nothing can happen by its self.
        • everything that happens must be caused by something else
          • the universe could have not "just happened" by itself.
            • A very powerful force must have caused the universe
              • This cause must have been God
                • this means god exists
    • Scienctific explanations or the origins of the world
      • Summary
  • Christian upbringing
    • Believing in God
      • design argument
        • Summary
          • Some people argue that the complexity of the natural world and the uniqueness of a person's DNA and thumbprint support belief in God
        • The world is so well ordered and everything is balanced to sustain life. The world is so beautiful and complex, interdependent parts make a whole.
          • This complex world therefore must have been designed.
            • if it was designed, it must have a designer
              • the only being powerful enough to design the universe is God
                • so God must exist... Right?
      • Causation argument
        • Summary
          • some people argue that everything in the world has a cause and therefore the world must have a cause  and that cause must be God.
        • Nothing can happen by its self.
          • everything that happens must be caused by something else
            • the universe could have not "just happened" by itself.
              • A very powerful force must have caused the universe
                • This cause must have been God
                  • this means god exists
      • Scienctific explanations or the origins of the world
        • Summary
    • Children generally believe what their parents tell them so if a child is brought up by religious parents, with a religious upbringing that is based on religious teachings they are more likely to believe in God
  • summary
    • Christian upbringing
      • Children generally believe what their parents tell them so if a child is brought up by religious parents, with a religious upbringing that is based on religious teachings they are more likely to believe in God
  • Parents create an environment in which their children learn about God and see examples of how good Christian life is
    • summary
    • Christian upbringing can establish a faith that lasts forever
      • Most  Christian parents will have their children baptized, take them to church an, send them to Sunday school to learn about christian faith and encourage them to be confirmed as a christian when they are old enough.
        • they will also encourage their children to take part in religious festivals which helps them them develop their own faith
          • Religious experiances
            • Summary
              • Religious experiances
              • Some people begin to believe in God through miracles, answered prays, a numinous experience or a conversion experience, and there are used as evidence of God's existence.
                • Summary
                • there are many different ways people claim to experience God
                  • 1. religious scriptures- some people believe that the holy book can reveal the nature of God.
                  • 2. Prayers- this is an attempt to contact God directly and can be thought of as a conversation with God
                  • 3. miracles these are amazing events that cant be explained by the laws of nature of science.
                  • 4. numinous experiences- these are feelings of awe, in which a person can "sense" the presence of God.


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