Two Process Model of Phobias

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  • Behavioural Explanation of Phobias
    • Two Process Model
      • Phobias acquired through classical conditioning
        • Little Albert Study
          • Gave him phobia of white rat= at beginning he showed no fear= paired presence of white rat with loud noise continuously= eventually associate rat with loud noise & become fearful of rat= rat becomes conditioned stimulus which causes conditioned response of fear
          • Rat= neutral stimulus. Loud noise= unconditioned stimulus which creates unconditioned response of fear
      • Phobias are maintained through operant conditioning
        • Negative reinforcement= person avoids stimulus that they are fearful so that they are not anxious/ do not face unpleasant experience= TF maintaining phobia because they are never facing their fear to realise it is irrational
    • Behavioural Characteristic=avoidance, endurance, panic
    • Evaluation
      • Strenghts
        • Explains how phobias are maintained= good for treatments= explains why patients need to be exposed to phobic stimulus= once avoidance beh stops= it's no longer reinforced= phobia is not maintained
      • Limitations
        • Avoidance beh not only carried to avoid axiety= can also be carried out for positive feelings of safety= ppl may choose to stay indoors because that is where they feel safe= eg= person with agoraphobia can go outside with a trusted person and have little anxiety but they feel safe because they're not alone
        • Classical conditioning suggest that phobias are caused by traumas or bad experiences with the phobic stimulus= but some ppl have phobias with no previous trauma
          • They can be acquired via social learning= vicarious learning= seeing same sex parent fearful of something, avoid it & their anxiety is reduced=child imitates this beh= reinforced for this avoidance via vicarious reinforcement= seeing their parent's anxiety reduce= also through direct reinforcement=feeling their anxiety reduced
          • Psychodynamic theory= displacement= redirecting emotion from one entity to another= phobia can be result of displaced anxiety onto something easier to deal with= fear of zombies= displaced fear of death, following death of loved one


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