Behavioural approach to explaining Phobias mind map

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  • Behavioural approach to explaining phobias
    • The two process model  Mowrer (1960)
      • Phobias are first learnt (acquired) via association (classical conditioning) and then are maintained via reinforcement(operant conditioning)
        • The process of classical  and operant conditioning working together to get a phobia and to keep it going
    • Acquisition/ classical conditioning
      • Phobic objects are first a neutral stimulus (NS), not producing a phobic response.
        • Example hearing a dog (NS) bark wouldn't produce a phobic response (NR)
      • However if it is presented with  an unconditional stimulus (UCS) that produces the unconditioned response (UCR) the NS will become associated with the UCS and now fear (the phobia) will happen whenever the NS appears
        • Example being bitten by a dog (UCS) which causes pain triggers a fear response (UCR)
        • Now the dog (NS) is associated with being bitten (UCS) which will result in fear (UCR) whenever a dog (NS) appears
      • At this point the NS is the CS and the UCR is the CR. This fear can then be passed on to other stimuli via generalisation
        • now the dog (CS) is associated with fear (CR) which could be passed onto other animals/ stimuli through generalisation
    • Maintenance/ operant conditioning
      • This is where the person avoids the situation which triggers their phobia which reduces their anxiety. This is pleasant for the individual and acts as a negative reinforcement which maintains the phobia
        • Example if someone was to avoid going to peoples houses who have dogs because they associate the dogs with fear after being bitten they are avoiding the phobia which is positive for them acting as a negative reinforcement since they are removing the negative stimulus
    • Social Learning Theory
      • Learning can happen vicariously by observation of models. Observing others fear response can result in the individual displaying the same fear, especially if it results in reward of the model (attension)
        • Example if someone saw another individual show fear to a dog which resulted in them receiving attention and affection it could result in the person who was observing could now display the same fear


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