Becoming a psychoanalyst

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  • Becoming a psychoanalyst
    • Most psychoanalysts work for themselves in private practice and are not employed by the NHS unlike clinical psychologists.
    • Some psychoanalysts specialise in therapy for children or adolescents, others do not specialise.
    • The main skills a psychoanalyst needs - has to be patient and build a strong relationship with a client.
      • They have to be able to work with people who have emotional problems without being judgemental about them.
        • It is also important that they do not get so involved with the clients problems that detachment is difficult.
    • Qualifications required and accreditation status - to become one you have to undertake training that is approved by the International Psychoanalytic Association.
      • There are only two providers of training in the UK - the Institute of Psychoanalysis and the British Psychoanalytical Association. Before this training, you would need a degree or the equivalent of a degree.
    • To be accepted onto training, you would have to go through more than one interview.
    • Training to be one: training lasts 4 years and is part-time, for the first year the training focuses on general theory and Freud's views, then more theories are explored.
    • The final part of the training is the psychoanalysis of two patients whilst being supervised by a qualified psychoanalyst.
    • Like other professional people, psychoanalysts must provide evidence of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to show that they are keeping up with new issues and practising professionally.


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