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  • Beatrice
    • What does Beatrice do in the play?
      • Beatrice is kind and caring throughout.
      • Beatrice is often the mediator when Eddie is aggressive.
      • She warns Eddie that his relationship with Catherine is not acceptable.
      • She is prepared to make sacrifices to restore sanity- refuses to attend Catherine's wedding because Eddie told her to.
      • At the end she is there to comfort Eddie when he dies.
    • How is Catherine's character revealed?
      • (She turns and grabs Eddie's face in her hands.) "Mmm! You're and angel! God'll bless you"
        • Beatrice is a warm hearted person. She shows gratitude whenever anyone helps her own family.
      • "I know honey. But if you act like a baby and he be treatin you like a baby. Like when he comes home sometimes you throw yourself at him like when you was a twelve year old."
        • Beatrice is keenly aware of the dangers between Catherine and Eddie and tries to warn Catherine gently. We see her sensitivity and also her instinct for problems that lurk beneath the surface
      • "No, she wants to ask you. Come on, Katie, ask him. We'll have a party!"
        • Beatrice acts as the mediator
      • He  dies in her arms, and Beatrice covers him with her body.
        • Despite all that Eddie has done to destroy their lives Beatrice, as always, shows her love for him.
    • Examiners Tip
      • Beatrice is always thinking of others
      • Even when speaking forcefully to Eddie she does it to help him.
      • In the end Beatrice like Alfieri, she is powerless to prevent Eddie acting in his destructive way but is still faithful to him.


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