The Character of Banquo

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  • Banquo
    • Suspicious
      • Banquo is shown to suspect that Macbeth killed Duncan when he says "I fear thou play'dst most foully for it"
      • He does not entirely trust the witches when he first meets them, which is shown by his questions, such as "Live you, or are you aught that man may question?"
      • Banquo says "the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray's in deepest consequence" which implies that he is suspicious of the Witches and he is also clever to realise this
    • Wise
      • Banquo says "the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray's in deepest consequence" which implies that he is suspicious of the Witches and he is also clever to realise this
    • Ambitious
      • Banquo is ambitious for the witches' prophecy for him to come true but is not corrupted by his ambition, which is implied by "Why, by the verities on thee made good, may they not be my oracles as well and set me up in hope? But hush! No more."
      • Banquo tells Macbeth "I dreamt last night of the three weird sisters - to you they have showed some truth" which could suggest that Banquo is still thinking about them and is determined for their prophecies for him to come true as well
    • Loyal
      • Banquo says that he will only do what Macbeth says if he can keep "my bosom franchised and allegiance clear" which shows that his conscience is more important to him than his ambition and power
      • Duncan describes him as "Noble Banquo" and "True, worthy Banquo" which suggests that he has been loyal to the King by fighting and is also brave and courageous
      • When Macbeth says "Fail not our feast", Banquo replies "My lord, I will not" which suggests that he is loyal to his king despite being suspicious of him but is also ironic because Banquo comes as a ghost"


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